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International Asynchronous Rock Paper Scissors Tournament 2020 had Ended

2020-04-02 | The International Asynchronous Rock Paper Scissors Competition

Happy late April Fool! It's that time of the year again. International Asynchronous Rock Paper Scissors Tournament 2020

This year we've managed to invite quite a few new supporting organizations. Of which a few of them are the serious ones, like the ones that's registered in real life or software that have significant influence in the internet. We're very glad to have them supporting our event this year. These supporting organizations include:

It makes the logo count of the participation certificate of this year 15! That's more than we ever had in the past years!

So you wanna have this certificate? Tsk tsk! Too bad! This event had ended and you can't join anymore. You have to wait for next year. :P

This year we've got 158 participants. I ranked 150th with a score of -160. That's my worst performing year. :(

Oh. At least I've got this awesome participation certificate that you don't get to have! :P

Sadale's participation certificate of International Asynchronous Rock Paper Scissors Tournament 2020

It makes me feel weird to have a participation certificate that has my own logo on it. Anyway, I hope that I'd have better luck next year. I'm gonna get the gold then! :P

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