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Asynchronous Rock Paper Scissors Tournament 2016 - End of Service of Poland Website

2016-06-01 | The International Asynchronous Rock Paper Scissors Competition

Better to be late than never announcing it. The Poland Event website is closed.

The hoster could not pay for the hosting fee. Therefore, the site is closed about a month after the begin of the event.

Considering that the hoster is relatively young, he is a genius of being capable for setting up a website for the event.

Give a big hand to Eruverio! Our hoster/organizer of the RPS tournament 2016!

The facebook page of the event is still alive. And the website of the event is now archived at Wayback Machine.

We will definitely host another event next year! I'll probably find someone who is capable for keeping the site alive for at least a few years.

Link for sharing this article: Asynchronous Rock Paper Scissors Tournament 2016 - End of Service of Poland Website

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