(jan Sate)

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[WIP]Koloniigo - Tutorial

2015-09-19 | Koloniigo

I've just implemented 3 tutorial levels in Koloniigo. It's used to briefly introduce the game mechanism.

Before completing the tutorial, Random Map mode and Network Mode(unimplemented) are locked. They're unlocked once you finish it.

So what's left are:

I'm current doing research on making networked game work. I'm planing to write a wrapper library to make a unified interface for accessing Java-WebSocket(for android build) and gwt-websockets(for html5 build).

After the research, I will take a break in this project for updating my website(well, the home page is severely outdated). I'll probably merge this blog with the homepage. The project will continue after the completion of website update.

Let's see how will it turned out. I'll post any future update here! :)

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