(jan Sate)

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Behind the Scenes - Font Art

2015-09-11 | Koloniigo

As you probably know, I have been working on the game Koloniigo recently. To make the game looks better, I decide to make some simple font art for the game. It is my first time doing this. So don't complain if it doesn't looks good. :3

Step 1

The font is made using Inkscape. To make this sort of font, first, create a text. Make some space between each letters by using , and set the stroke color and fill color to undefined by clicking on .

Step 2

Use Alt+D to create a clone of the text

Step 3

Change the color of stroke and fill. Then set the stroke with to 3~10. and set the join and cap to rounded:

Step 4

Either use space bar to create a copy of the colored text, or use Alt+D to create a clone of the undefined color text(displayed as black). Then set the stroke size to 20~30 and change its stroke and fill color.

Step 5

Make gradient for the middle text

Step 6

Create a copy of the text using the same method in step 4. This time set the color to white and set stroke width to 0

Step 7

Set the blur to 3~5, and set opacity 30~60

Step 8

Create yet another copy. This time shear it a bit and set its color to grey.

Step 9

Set the blur to 5~10


Great. It's now done. Try changing the text and font. The font art will be updated dynamically. :D

Changing the stroke width, color, gradient, etc. gives infinity possibility of the font art generated! :)

Here is the source file

Link for sharing this article: Behind the Scenes - Font Art

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