My entry of LD33 is done! :D
Not sure whether it's a good game. But it's the most funny game I've ever developed. :p
BTW, here's the timeline of the development:
1020 implemented bird movement
1200 implemented pooping
1250 implemented victim(without collision detection)
1545 implemented attack upgrade button
1625 implemented all upgrade buttons and its associated functions
1710 bugfixes
1810 implemented blackcloud and thunder
1910 implemented text fadeout; did some game balancing by reducing HP of the boss
2100 implemented police car; implemented win/lose scene
2150 implemented cloud; bugfixes
2200 bugfix on pooped.p practicle
2250 money eyes candy
2310 fix window config of jar version
1000 start working on sprite.png
1310 drew sprite.svg
1330 drew background.svg
1400 lose.svg
1440 win.svg
1540 synthed all sfx
1630 implemented siren of police warning
1710 implemented all sfx and tested it
1720 added disclaimer
1850 finished testing on different platforms
1910 submitted!
I'm joining Ludumdare 33! This is my first time joining Ludumdare. I'll use libgdx. I'm now working on my game project. Will post update here!
Today I decide to start a one day project of Android game development. This is the first one day Android game that I've ever developed, and the second Android game that I ever published. :D
The game is based on breakout game with the following rules:
Here is the timeline of the development(time in GMT+8):
4/27/2015(preparation works):
setup development environment of libgdx,
music composition,
drawing graphic
0840: start working
1100: implemented movable paddle and basic bouncing balls
1251: implemented power up, ball speed up over time, angle deflection when the ball hit the paddle and brick spawning logic
1310: implemented sfx and bgm
1514: implemented all game logic
1548: implemented menu
1707: implemented score and highscore
1725: implemented animation
1835: Published to Google Play
It's a pretty fun experience. I have never did something like this before. I enjoy it. :) It's easier than I thought, tho. Maybe I should scale up next time! :3
This game proves that I'm capable for developing one day project(which is not something to be proud of because most developers can do that. Still, it's a good proof-of-concept/ability/whatever a.k.a. achievement unlocked :P). I guess I should join Ludum Dare some day later. :D
The game is available here