Today I decide to start a one day project of Android game development. This is the first one day Android game that I've ever developed, and the second Android game that I ever published. :D
The game is based on breakout game with the following rules:
Here is the timeline of the development(time in GMT+8):
4/27/2015(preparation works):
setup development environment of libgdx,
music composition,
drawing graphic
0840: start working
1100: implemented movable paddle and basic bouncing balls
1251: implemented power up, ball speed up over time, angle deflection when the ball hit the paddle and brick spawning logic
1310: implemented sfx and bgm
1514: implemented all game logic
1548: implemented menu
1707: implemented score and highscore
1725: implemented animation
1835: Published to Google Play
It's a pretty fun experience. I have never did something like this before. I enjoy it. :) It's easier than I thought, tho. Maybe I should scale up next time! :3
This game proves that I'm capable for developing one day project(which is not something to be proud of because most developers can do that. Still, it's a good proof-of-concept/ability/whatever a.k.a. achievement unlocked :P). I guess I should join Ludum Dare some day later. :D
The game is available here
Copyright (C) 2025 Wong "Sadale" Cho Ching, all rights reserved.